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Mike Harvey and Mike Wardlow
Sounds like the two Mikes had a good time digging bottles a couple Fridays ago. Mike Harvey shares his pictures with us.
(2-20-09 update: MikeH sent me more pictures of some of the bottles after he had them cleaned up. They appear at the bottom of the page.)
Here are some bottles Mike Wardlow and I dug Feb 6, 2009. As you can see we did quite well. In the pics you will see (top row) 2-straight side cokes, Joseph Campbell ketchup bottle, 2-whiskey bottles, a couple of busted bottles, (bottom row) Red Raven Splits, an I Lewis - Birmingham ALA hutchinson bottle, 2 embossed medicines, crock sampler, medicine with the word DIXIE embossed on the bottom, snuff jar, baby doll, Vaseline jar, Imperial Cheese jar, medicine, medicine, ink well and another medicine.